
Showing posts from May, 2018

Low Carb Breakfast Caserole

I had a friend ask me to post this recipe on here for future reference. I will include the recipe I use to make breakfast casserole for my husband. I make something very similar for myself, but I take out the bread, add two more eggs, and some peppers and onions. I started by making these in muffin cups and eating two for breakfast, but I like them in a foil pan much better. they seem to cook up crispier. Also, I do use throw away foil pans....I know that's kind of terrible, but I love to cook and hate to clean so saving time on the clean up is important to me.  Our Local Grocery store has an off-brand, low-calorie bread that we usually use, but I think that Nature's Own 40 calorie Honey Wheat should be available everywhere. It comes in at about 7 net carbs per slice, but you won't even get a whole slice in a serving of this casserole and it can help satisfy your "bread tooth" lol. I don't have a "bread tooth" anymore, but dan still we do

Brandi's Low Carb Drive-Thru Guide

Hi friends! I love the feedback that I'm getting from many of you that my blog and tips are really being helpful to you and your desire to live a low carb life! Always feel free to leave me (nice) comments! What I hear from many people is that switching to this lifestyle is a challenge because you are on the go all of the time! And to that let me just say, "Girl (or boy), I know!" Life is CRAZY and sometimes we just get hungry and need to grab something and keep going. So everyone knows that things that you make at home that come from fresh meats and veggies and don't contain all kinds of preservatives and things we can't pronounce are best for you, but sometimes they simply aren't practical. I've provided you with a few of my favorite fast food low carb meals to help you make a quick decision when your time is limited. Happy low carbing! Let me know about your success! Burgers Hardee's, Freddy's Frozen Custard and Steakburgers, and Five Guy'

Helpful Low Carb Snacking Tips

Brandi's Top 10 Low Carb Snacks These snacks have been an important part of my 87-pound weight loss. Hey Friends!  I had a friend ask me for some low carb snack ideas so I thought I would share my top 10 snacks with you, as well as, give you some tips for how I keep snacks with me on the go. #1 Veggies and Ranch I LOVE raw veggies and ranch. My favorites are celery, cauliflower, and green pepper, but you can also do cucumbers and broccoli. Hidden Valley Makes convenient little dipping cups that are easy to take with you anywhere. Hidden Valley is 2 net carbs per serving and some other ranch is only one, but when you need something quick on the go it really makes your life easier. I bought small insulated pouches at an auction house near my home, and they are great to throw some veggies and a pack of ranch in with a small ice pack. I've also used reusable ice cubes to keep things cool. Although it's not a dollar, Amazon has a small insulated pouch for 9.99

My Story

My Journey to a Low Carb Life Hello      Let me introduce myself, I'm Brandi a 31-year-old Tennessee girl who spent years as a skinny girl trapped in a fat girl's body! I truly believe that women are beautiful in every size, but I never felt comfortable in my own skin. I began the low carb lifestyle in July of 2015. I would like to say it wasn't always easy, but with faith and good friends who continually cheered me on, I got rid of 87 pounds to reveal a thinner, healthier me fairly quickly and I'm still going strong! Before       I taught first grade and it often took all the energy I had. I usually needed a nap when I got home and I was very forgetful. At 28 years old my health was declining, my blood pressure was in the danger zone and I suffered from frequent heartburn.  As the scale continually moved up I felt more and more self-conscious. I poured myself into Spanx every day and felt like all eyes were on my rolls everywhere I went. I've always lov