Low Carb Breakfast Caserole

I had a friend ask me to post this recipe on here for future reference. I will include the recipe I use to make breakfast casserole for my husband. I make something very similar for myself, but I take out the bread, add two more eggs, and some peppers and onions. I started by making these in muffin cups and eating two for breakfast, but I like them in a foil pan much better. they seem to cook up crispier. Also, I do use throw away foil pans....I know that's kind of terrible, but I love to cook and hate to clean so saving time on the clean up is important to me. 
Our Local Grocery store has an off-brand, low-calorie bread that we usually use, but I think that Nature's Own 40 calorie Honey Wheat should be available everywhere. It comes in at about 7 net carbs per slice, but you won't even get a whole slice in a serving of this casserole and it can help satisfy your "bread tooth" lol. I don't have a "bread tooth" anymore, but dan still does...so we do our best to make the best bread choices. 
Nature's Own 40 Calorie Honey Wheat Bread 

Low Carb Breakfast Casserole


  • 5 slices low carb bread 
  • 1TBS butter
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 pound breakfast meat ( sausage, bacon, or ham)
  • 11/2 cup shredded cheese
  • any veggies you want (spinach, peppers, onions, or mushrooms)


  1. Rub down an 8x11 dish with the butter. Make sure to get the sides to prevent sticking. 
  2. Cook your breakfast meat and either crumble or chop it into small pieces. 
  3. Line the bottom of the pan with the slices of bread ( I take the crust off for Dan😁) 
  4. Sprinkle the meat over the bread
  5. Scramble six eggs and pour them over the meat and bread. Make sure the eggs cover all of the bread. 
  6. Top with 1 1/2 cup cheese
  7. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes ( I have a convection oven, so it cooks things fairly quickly, make sure the middle is cooked through and through and adjust your time as needed. 
  8. That's it! We cut it into squares and heat it up in the microwave throughout the week. 
We really enjoy this recipe and it helps us get a low carb breakfast in quickly. Let me know what you add to make it your own and if you enjoy it! Also, Are recipes something you would like more of? Happy Low-Carbing!!


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